Ed-Technology - Digital Citizenship by Ron Calvo
What is the most important thing I learned about Digital
I learned about the BIG QUESTION: What is Digital Citizenship & Why is It Important?
Tech. Cohort course topics importantly learned included the following topics:
- ISTE Standards - The International Society for Technology in Education
- Introduction and Teaching of the 9 - Elements of Digital Citizenship
- 9 - Elements: Digital Access, Commerce, Communication, Literacy, Etiquette, Law, Rights & Responsibilities, Health & Wellness, Security & Privacy
- Teaching the 9 P's of Digital Citizenship: Password, Property, Photographs, Permissions, Privacy, Professionalism, Permanence, & Protection
- Course Technology Experiences and Skills Needed Included being able to: Navigate Course Access, Collaborate & Communicate within Online Platform, Interact with Classmates & Instructors, Learning New Technical requirements, Overcoming Any Technical Difficulties, Virtual Class Participation, Plagiarism Policy & Required Resource Citations, and more.
- Add Posters That Promote Digital Citizenship: No Cyber Bullying, 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship.
- Students Activities: Create Posters for Digital Citizenship, No Cyber Bulling, Role-Play Scenarios & Challenges, Create on CANVA Digital FootPrints, Create Brochures or Advertisements, etc.
- Implement a Digital Literacy Program in School & Classrooms
- Online Safety by teaching students how to create unique Passwords
- Students Create Lessons on Teaching Lower Grades of Digital Citizenship, reinforce skills/values
- Promote the use of Technology in the Classroom: Reading & Math Apps - HMH Curriculum Apps & Other BOE Approved CIA Tech. Apps, Educational Video Game Apps for Learning.
How I Plan to Integrate Digital Citizenship in the Workplace?
- Promote & Share ISTE Vision & Mission Statement, Promoting Posters Place in Classrooms & School Digital Settings for Students, Parents, and Educators
- Add Posters That Promote Digital Citizenship: No Cyber Bullying, 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship.
- Schedule Professional Developments on 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship & 9 P's.
- Technology Use In Education: Live Video Streaming, Mobile Device Use - Surveys & Attendance, Video Games, Interactive Whiteboard, Google Platform - Presentations (Slides, Canva, Docs, etc), Cognia Grading System Platform & Student Database System, Early Warning System - Platform., Online Collaboration with Educators, Communication & Documentation, Parent, Teacher, Student Surveys, etc.
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